There are a lot of benefits to balloon sinus surgeries. The number one advantage is that you’ll be able to breathe easier, sleep better, and have more energy. There are different types of surgeries; many patients and doctors will choose one over the other for varying reasons but the ideal goal is a minimally invasive […]
Do You Have Sinusitis Symptoms?
A chronic sinus infection and other ENT problems are generally incredibly debilitating. If you find yourself suffering from sinusitis symptoms, you should consult with a Stockbridge, GA doctor immediately. A chronic sinus infection can only get worse if it goes unchecked, so getting a doctor to figure out the best ENT remedies will get you […]
Drip Too Hard – A Guide To Understanding Post-Nasal Drip Stockbridge GA
What is Post-Nasal Drip? • Post-nasal drip is not a medical diagnosis, but it may be a symptom of other medical diagnoses that cause inflammation inside the nose “rhinitis”, leading to excessive mucus production “rhinnorhea” (e.g. allergies, or infections) • In health, our nose and sinuses produce 1 -1.5 liters of mucous per day. • […]
Sinus Health Real Facts With No Misinformation – Stockbridge Georgia
Fake News? • We’ve all heard the phrase “Knowledge is power…”. Well in the age of fake news and rampant misinformation, one hardly nose where and how to get empowered with knowledge for better health… • If you are like most people out there, you’re up to your nose with questionable sources of information […]