Fake News?
• We’ve all heard the phrase “Knowledge is power…”. Well in the age of fake news and rampant misinformation, one hardly nose where and how to get empowered with knowledge for better health… www.nytimes.com
• If you are like most people out there, you’re up to your nose with questionable sources of information about your health.
• Or perhaps, you’re one of the millions of people who is tired of paying out of your nose for products that you aren’t sure will even work. Well, you aren’t alone, and it ‘snot your fault… www.theatlantic.com
Where we come in…
• At inosebetter.com, we go nose-to-nose with misinformation that’s holding you back from better health and better choices.
• We lead by a nose…working hard to separate fact- from- fiction on our way to empowering you with knowledge for better health!
Our Content Is Always Right On The Nose!
• We’ve created a unique brand of content we call, “health infotainment” and it has been designed with your information needs in mind.
•With each offering, we take a hard-nosed approach to curating and presenting information drawn from and written by reputable sources; keeping you well- informed and entertained along the way.
So put your nose in our business, and you will find that we’ve got a real nose for the details!
• When you need to get the facts straight, or if you suspect that what you’ve heard or read is ‘snot quite accurate… we’re here to help untangle the web of misinformation, helping you truly nose better!
• Share our site with your friends…www.inosebetter.com