If you have been experiencing facial pain or pressure, stuffed or runny nasal passageways, loss of smell, or chronic coughing and congestion, you may be suffering from sinusitis. Contact Stockbridge, GA to find a sinus infection specialist that can suggest treatment options. Sinusitis is an inflammation or swelling of the sinus tissue. In the beginning […]
Sinus Health
Get Rid Of A Nasty Sinus Infection
Bad sinus infection symptoms can make your day really rough. Since chronic sinus infections can actually last for eight weeks or longer, now imagine those rough days coming one after the other as you experience these prolonged sinusitis symptoms with no relief in sight. If you can, take a deep breath because treatment is available […]
Sinus Surgery Post-Procedure
If you are experiencing any signs of sinus infection, such as a sinus headache, a nasal infection, or severe sinusitis, contact Georgia Center for Ear, Nose & Throat (678) 902-9495 to find the best ENT in Stockbridge, GA. You might not know what sinusitis is, but the odds of experiencing its symptoms are high. You […]
Sinus Headaches: How to Find Relief
Sinus headaches are trouble. Many patients experience pain and difficulty focusing. These headaches are just one of many problems for patients suffering with sinusitis. They only get worse the more one prolongs treatment. There are treatment options available for people with this condition. However, only one procedure ensures that patients are comfortable, safe and receive […]
Are you managing your allergies or are they managing you?
The birds are chirping, leaves are falling and the sun is shining. Fall in Stockbridge, GA should be a time of beautiful and colorful life all around. Unfortunately, many of us associate fall with sneezing, itchy watery eyes, nasal congestion, runny nose and postnasal drip. Seasonal allergy symptoms are most evident in the fall and […]