What is Post-Nasal Drip?
• Post-nasal drip is not a medical diagnosis, but it may be a symptom of other medical diagnoses that cause inflammation inside the nose “rhinitis”, leading to excessive mucus production “rhinnorhea” (e.g. allergies, or infections)
• In health, our nose and sinuses produce 1 -1.5 liters of mucous per day.
• Under normal circumstances, this mucous drains unconsciously from your nose into your throat throughout the day, where it is later swallowed.
• A feeling of constant, excessive, (or thickened) mucous gathering in the throat is called “Post-nasal Drip”. (figure 1)
Symptoms of Post-Nasal Drip
• Feeling of mucous gathering in the throat
• Frequent swallowing
• Sore or “scratchy” throat
• Hoarse or Raspy Voice
• Gurgling in your throat
• Constant “tickle” in your throat
• Frequent throat clearing
• Sensation of a lump or foreign body In the throat
• Frequent cough
Q: What causes of Post-nasal drip
A: Post-nasal drip has many causes, some of the most common are:
• Nasal Inflammation “rhinitis” (allergies or inhaled irritants are most common cause)
• Sinusitis.
• Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
• Hormonal changes (eg pregnancy, hypothyroidism).
• Nasal spray abuse
• Nasal drug abuse
• Diet (spicy foods)
• Irritating fumes/dust
Q: When Should I Call My Doctor?
A: You should contact your doctor if you have the following symptoms with your post-nasal drip:
• Fevers
• Choking or trouble swallowing due to mucous
• Accompanying Headaches or Vision changes
• Persistently discolored or bloody mucous
• Foul smelling nasal or throat mucous
• Wheezing or shortness of breath
• Poor response to home remedies
The color and consistency of your mucous can reveal a lot about possible causes of nasal drip. If mucus is clear, a common cold or allergies are most likely.
If it is thick and has a yellow or green tinge, a bacterial infection may have developed (see your doctor).
Q: Is Post-nasal Drip Serious?
A: NO …
in the majority of cases. Post-nasal drip is extremely common. It can develop over a short-time, and leave lingering symptoms.
Post-nasal drip is a leading cause of persistent: cough, hoarse voice, sore throat, and the sensation of “foreign body” in the throat (Globus). Most causes of post-nasal drip can be easily identified and resolved.
Some throat conditions: (eg reflux, laryngitis, swallowing disorders) can cause mucous to build up in the throat that can trigger symptoms of post-nasal drip
Q: What are some home remedies for post-nasal drip?
A: Home remedies for post-nasal drip fall into two broad categories:
Mucous Management
• Stay well-hydrated to thin your mucous
• Raise moisture levels in your room air (humidifier)
• Avoid things that dry your nose (eg medications, smoking, alcohol, caffeine)
• Nasal irrigation (neti-pot, saline rinse) or saline mist (ocean spray) to loosen mucous
• Inhaling Eucalyptus oil or Peppermint oil: add 3-4 drops to humidfier (clear nasal passages)
Soothing your throat • Salt water gargles
Other treatments depend on the cause of the post-nasal drip
• For rhinitis triggered by allergies (figure right) clearing your environment of triggers (dusting/ vacuuming) covering mattresses & pillowcases, use of special air filter can help reduce exposure to allergy triggers.
Q: Can my doctor prescribe something?
A: If other remedies fail, prescription treatments may be prescribed, including:
• Mucous thinning medications (eg Gaifenesin “Mucinex”)
• Antihistamines (Benadryl etc)
• A nasal steroid spray (eg Flonase) to reduce rhinitis
• Ipratropium (Atrovent): a nasal spray which slows mucous production and release.
Q: Will antibiotics help my post-nasal drip?
Post-nasal drip is more about irritation and inflammation (rhinitis) than infection, antibiotics are not usually helpful so they aren’t usually prescribed.