If you suffer from the pain and pressure of chronic sinusitis or if you have sinus infections and headaches with every cold, you should talk to your ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist at Georgia Center for Ear, Nose & Throat about balloon sinus surgery. This simple procedure can restore proper drainage to your sinuses […]
If You Have Allergies, You Should Know These Four Facts
What causes allergies? That piece of pollen isn’t pollen—at least, as far as your body’s concerned. It sees the allergen as an unwelcome invader. When you come into contact with an allergen like pollen, your body alerts your immune system, which creates antibodies. Later, if your body comes in contact with that same allergen, the […]
Balloon Sinuplasty Procedure: Is This Sinus Surgery For Me?
Millions of people suffer from nasal problems and sinusitis each year, lowering their quality of life and raising their healthcare costs. The inflammation of the sinus membranes causes breathing to become impaired and drainage of the sinus to be blocked, and the congestion can be quite painful. It often means more visits to your primary care doctor […]
What Is Sinusitis?
Sinus infections are one of the common conditions with which adults may be diagnosed. Sinus infections affect millions of adults in the United States each year. The sinuses are a group of hollow spaces that surround the nose and are also found above and between the eyes. Sinus infections include cloudy or colored runny nose […]
Reasons To Consider Balloon Sinuplasty for Sinusitis Relief
Balloon sinuplasty, an Stockbridge, GA outpatient procedure which helps to relieve sinusitis and its symptoms, is gaining momentum across the country. With a less invasive approach, shorter recovery time and lasting results, you might be wondering if balloon sinuplasty could be right for you. Below are seven reasons you should consider this procedure. Reason #1 […]