MYTH: Some sinus issues are too severe for balloon sinuplasty to work Some people have extensive sinus infection, nasal polyps, and other structural issues like a deviated septum. They want to have non-surgical therapy using balloon sinuplasty to reduce recovery and risks but have been told their issue is too severe for balloon sinuplasty. This […]
Balloon Sinuplasty
Is Balloon Sinuplasty the Right Treatment for You?
Recently there has been a lot of news about Balloon Sinuplasty. Learn about the technology and how can it help you. Many Stockbridge, GA patients suffer from severe sinus pressure and headaches, sinus infections, and chronic nasal congestion. It can be so difficult for these patients to concentrate and handle all of the days demands. The […]
What Exactly Is a Balloon Sinuplasty?
There has been a lot of information and advertising about balloon sinuplasty over the last few years. This is very exciting technology as it allows for the successful resolution of many nasal and sinus issues with a non-surgical technique. On the other hand, if you look a little deeper, there is a big difference between what […]
Is a Minimally Invasive Surgery Option Right for You?
There are a lot of benefits to balloon sinus surgeries. The number one advantage is that you’ll be able to breathe easier, sleep better, and have more energy. There are different types of surgeries; many patients and doctors will choose one over the other for varying reasons but the ideal goal is a minimally invasive […]