Millions of people suffer from nasal problems and sinusitis each year, lowering their quality of life and raising their healthcare costs. The inflammation of the sinus membranes causes breathing to become impaired and drainage of the sinus to be blocked, and the congestion can be quite painful. It often means more visits to your primary care doctor […]
Balloon Sinuplasty
Reasons To Consider Balloon Sinuplasty for Sinusitis Relief
Balloon sinuplasty, an Stockbridge, GA outpatient procedure which helps to relieve sinusitis and its symptoms, is gaining momentum across the country. With a less invasive approach, shorter recovery time and lasting results, you might be wondering if balloon sinuplasty could be right for you. Below are seven reasons you should consider this procedure. Reason #1 […]
6 Myths about Balloon Sinus Surgery
Balloon sinus surgery sounds almost too good to be true. So it’s little wonder that quite a few myths have grown up around it. Let’s set the record straight! 1. Balloon sinus surgery is experimental Sure once upon a time it was an experimental procedure. Every medical procedure starts out that way. Balloon sinus surgery […]
Balloon Sinus Surgery to Treat Sinus Headache
If you suffer from sinus headaches, you should know about a new procedure that can bring permanent relief. ENTs can now perform a simple procedure in our Stockbridge, GA office under a local anesthetic that will open the sinus passages and restore drainage. This simple procedure is known as balloon sinuplasty or balloon sinus surgery. […]
Success Rate of Balloon Sinuplasty
People are all talking about balloon sinuplasty. Advertisements on the radio, TV, billboards have sprung up over the last several years. Patients who suffer from chronic sinus issues such as recurring infections, sinus pressure, chronic nasal drainage, and chronic congestion all have the same question… Does it last? Extensive research has been done evaluating balloon […]